Rehabilitation kindergarten

The Medicare Child Care Center includes a rehabilitation kindergarten specially designed to support children who face various developmental and psychological challenges. This kindergarten aims to provide a supportive learning environment that helps children achieve maximum mental, emotional, and social development.

*The main objectives of the rehabilitative kindergarten include:*
- *Enhancing educational skills:* Focusing on teaching the basics such as numbers, letters, and colors, while providing special support in areas such as reading and writing.
- *Developing social skills:* Encouraging interaction between children to enhance communication skills and joint play, which helps improve the ability to work within a team.
- *Sensory and motor stimulation:* Using various activities that help improve sensory integration and motor abilities.
- *Supporting independence:* Encouraging children to develop self-reliance skills in eating, dressing, and personal care.
- *Inclusion and inclusion:* Providing a comprehensive environment that accepts children with all their differences and integrates them with their peers effectively.

*Programs and activities:*
The kindergarten offers a wide range of educational and recreational activities that support each child's learning and personal development, including arts, music, and group games. These activities are provided under the supervision of qualified teachers who specialize in special education and rehabilitation.

*Evaluation and follow-up:*
Each child has an individual education plan that is reviewed regularly to ensure their educational and psychological needs are met, with parents provided with periodic reports on progress and challenges.

The rehabilitative kindergarten at the Medicare Center represents a rich and stimulating learning environment that contributes to supporting children to achieve the best possible outcomes in all aspects of their lives.